For the transformation and awareness of physical habits
14 Weeks of body training!
September 20th through December 20th 2010
Links Hall - 3435 N. Sheffield Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
My Theater experience and practice places the body and its
gestures at the center of the creative process and I
consider the body to be the seat of sensitivity and the main
instrument of artistic creation.
To be able to create a world of theatrical illusion, the actor
and the body need to be stripped away from learned
behavioral patterns and physical habits; it is a quest for
neutrality where the actor's awareness and presence allows
for Movement to exist at the service of creation.
When brought closer to the neutral form, the body becomes
a "blank page, available for the forthcoming drama
to be written"... there should be no sense of the performer's
body ever "getting in the way". The experience and the
awareness of the body moving in space leads to the
progressive discovery of the Laws of Movement and of
Artistic Creation, an indispensable basis for all
performance work.
All classe experience involves practical work focused on
the body to train, develop and refine participants' physical
awareness. Like athletes, musicians or dancers, actors too
need to train trough consistent practice to experience rigor,
persistence, commitment and discipline.
The coursework starts with the Neutral Mask and proposes
the study of Jacques Lecoq's "20 Movements", a series of
set forms that contain the fundamental principals of Movement. The aim of the work is in seeking the essence of those movements and experiencing the dramatic application and justification in the different exercises.
This approach proposes a structure of practice that actors
will exercise continually towards the mastery of physical expression.
SCHEDULE: Monday - 10am to 1pm
Oct. 4-11-18-25th
Nov. 1-8-15-22-29th
Dec. 5-13-20th
Links Hall
3435 N. Sheffield Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
$ 40 each week (14 weeks total)
If you are ready to register, e-mail Amrita: